High Pressure Test Units are provided in working pressure ranges from 5,000 t0 30,000 PSI. These units are recommended for high pressure testing of BOP stacks, choke and kill lines, Christmas tree and any other type of equipment requiring high pressure static testing. Test Units are available in unit-mounted, portable, skid mounted and high flow electric driven styles.
Accessories include stand-mounted chart recorders and high pressure Hose assemblies.

Model Number Identification
All High Pressure Test Units are equipped with a nameplate containing the unit model. This number contains the mounting arrangement, maximum pressure readout and series identification.
Stand Mounted Recorder
Stand Mounted Recorders are available to assist with documenting test performance of equipment being tested with all styles of High Pressure test Units. These are provided in 15,000, 20,000 and 30,000 PSI models complete recording coverage.